Weigh-In Day: Weeks of April 23rd and April 30th

So, as those of you who read my recent spazz-out are probably aware, I really, really, really did not want to get on the scale today. Logically, I knew that somewhere between that amount you need to eat to lose weight and that amount you need to eat to gain weight, there is an amount that you can eat to maintain your weight. But, I spent the majority of my time over the last two weeks thinking not logically, and every time I looked at myself, I was sure I had gained weight. Well, let us see if my fears were unfounded or not:

Weight as of April 23rd: 127.9

Today’s Weight: 127.9

Loss/Gain: No Change

Average Daily Caloric Intake: 1,850 (April 23rd – April 29th)/1,900 (April 30th – May 6th)


04/23: 7-mile run/walk
04/24: 2-mile run + 1-hour weightlifting session
04/25: Yoga
04/26: 5-mile walk + 40-minute weightlifting session
04/27: 30-minute elliptical session + 10-minute rowing machine session + 1.5-mile walk/run
04/28: 7-mile walk + 20-minute weightlifting session
04/29: 7-mile run/walk

04/30: 7-mile run/walk
05/01: 2-mile run + 1-hour weightlifting session
05/02: Yoga
05/03: 5-mile walk + 40-minute weightlifting session
05/04: 30-minute elliptical session + 10-minute rowing machine session + 1.5-mile walk/run
05/05: 7-mile walk + 20-minute weightlifting session
05/06: 7-mile run/walk


I … maintained my weight for two weeks?

Dear Internet:

I am sorry for having lost my shit and writing emo-tastic blog posts over nothing.



Seriously, though, I’m shocked, and this is exactly why I need to weigh myself to know where my weight is at; if you had asked me yesterday, I would have bet my unborn, firstborn child that I had gained a ton of weight. I’m just really terrible at assessing my weight by how I look—my mind plays tricks on me (Shit I think this is known as dysmorphia WHOOPS.)

Honestly, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little sad I don’t need more food to maintain my weight, but I was also very satisfied eating 1,900 calories per day, so to want to be able to eat more would really just be kind of gluttonous of me. Regardless, this is a HUGE relief, and I’m super pleased to be going into the summer and graduating at my goal weight, aware of how many calories I need to maintain AND at a place where I haven’t binged for almost six weeks straight. I feel like I’m in a good mindset. Now, I just need to work on eating intuitively, and I think I’ll be more comfortable doing that now that I know what my my maintenance intake looks like.

I also need to just ACCEPT my victories. I got on the scale this morning and immediately went, “That can’t possibly be right. My scale must be broken, or last week I must have been retaining water and I actually gained this week AHHHHHH.” Calm down, self. Everything is cool, you don’t need to second guess success. But, non-scale victories are important (if not more important), too, and I’m hoping now that I’ve been maintaining for a bit I’ll become a bit less obsessed with the scale. Woot.

I’ll weigh myself again in another two weeks, methinks. Now, though, it’s time for a walk, my legs feel like jelly today, probably because I did some High Intensity Interval Training yesterday. Basically, while on the treadmill, I would do five-minute sets during which I ran for three minutes at 6 mph and for one minute at 8 mph before walking for one minute at 4 mph. Run, rinse, repeat for twenty-five minutes. Intense, dudes.

Have you tried any new exercises, lately?

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